Archive blob always corrupt

Hi All,

In the last days the execution of it’s always corrupting my archive table in particular the archive_blob.

My piwik installation is tracking around 140sites and registering millions of page views daily.

Running a mysql check on the table always report this kind of message:

mysql> check table piwik_archive_blob_2012_11;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| blogo_stats.piwik_archive_blob_2012_11 | check | error | Record-count is not ok; is 12614808 Should be: 883110 |
| blogo_stats.piwik_archive_blob_2012_11 | check | warning | Found 12616333 key parts. Should be: 883110 |
| blogo_stats.piwik_archive_blob_2012_11 | check | error | Corrupt |
3 rows in set (53.82 sec)

It seems like the table get corrupt while deleting something.

Any idea?!

Can you update to latest version and use archive.php instead? How to Set up Auto-Archiving of Your Reports - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Hi Matt,

i m already using the last version of piwik.

About the archive.php i would like to use it but using the archive.php i ll use memory on our frontend server instead running the on our script server i don t use the memory on the fe…am i right?!
