Archive *all* logs (several years)?


we are currently importing GA-Data to Piwik starting with data from 2009. That works fine - but now I have an issue / question regarding archiving via “”.

The problem is that “” seems to archive only data of the last 52 periods (days, weeks, months, years) which is obviously a problem in our case, as we have log-data of several years.

How can I archive that data? Basically I’d like to archive all data which is available in the log-tables.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Tino will also archive last52 years, therefore will archive everything for sure, as long as it runs at least once until completion.

Hi Matt,

sorry - I cannot confirm your statement. Though it is true that is archives 52 years - which is really enough - it does not archive all available days and weeks. Below you find a snippet of the output of There you will see that the weekly archives starts at 2011 and not in 2009.

This is turn leads to wrong reports in the Piwik-GUI.

Do you have any suggestion how I can force the to archive all available data for all available periods?


----- Output of

Archiving period = week for idsite = 2…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 8202 8112 8954 8318 7034 6973 7839 6850 6493 10769 6194 3673 5819 ...

It should definitely archive all DAYS, but maybe not all weeks (since years use months and days only)

I have the very same problem. Imported data worth 4 years from GA and now when run it only archives last 52 weks and last 52 days … how can I archive older weeks and days?

Can you check, that in the database table piwik_site, the field ts_created is set to an early enough value?

For example, if you imported 4 years, the field value should be in 2006 or so.

Then, try to delete all the tables called piwik_archive_***** as per this FAQ: How to - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Then, run once until completion. If you still see reports not processed, let me know as this would be a bug.
