API - Actions get pageurls and pagetitles in one REST query dataset

Hi everyone,

with the API requests, I am trying to fetch information regarding the top pages, viewed of a tracked website. For the results I want to query the title of each page as well as its url (for direct access) in one API request - or at least that’s what I’ve tried so far using the documentation. My results so far gives me either all information regarding page urls or page titles but I’m kind of struggeling on how to fetch these information in one call.

This is what gets me the desired information to build the links for each entry without the page titles:


And this gives me everything with the page titles, except the urls:


I’ve also tried to setup a Bulk request, combining both of them but honestly cannot find a way to connect each dataset to one and another between both of them. It looks like so:


Is there any way to get both information somehow within one API call so I can build up a list for each item with its page title and also setup the link with the corresponding url as well?

Thanks for all your help and support!