All reports show no data except the real time log


We have installed Piwik now in 3 different environments and are experiencing the same problem in each. The real time log shows visitors but all other reports say there is no data, or there’s an error or show empty graphs. We’ve tried this on Linux and on Windows, using PHP 5.4 and 5.5 the same each time. We can run the archive job with no problem, there is a table called piwik_archive_numeric_2016_01 with loads of data in it so I assume that’s working fine? But no graphs work.

See typical screenshot below. Note that it says to upgrade but I have another version running the very latest release with the same problem. I’ve read through the forum, I’ve tried it in IE, Firefox and Chrome but no joy. Any ideas?


Check your error logs when you have the “oops” error message. This sounds like a memory_limit or execution_time issue. Also take a look at the Administration > Diagnostic > System Check section. Do you see any alerts or errors?

Thanks. Turns out I was getting confused between two installs. One wasn’t showing any data, the other was showing these errors. In this case we had checked out the 2.15.0 release direct from git but it has files missing that are in submodules! That appears to have been resolved in 2.16.0 however.

Thanks again.