After I upgraded to release 2.16.0 the Dashboard remained empty and the graphs weren’t visible anymore. I realized a javascript runtime error telling me that some module called “Overlay” was missing. After I activated “Overlay”, Dashboard and graphs were back again.
Yeah, I am experiencing the same issue:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: DataTable_RowActions_Transitions (anonyme Funktion)index.php:2010 jindex.php:3:27249 fireWithindex.php:3:28058 readyindex.php:3:29902 Jindex.php:3:30262
Same story here, after update to 2.16.0 I only get a blank page, webconsole shows 500 server error
Tried reuploading 2.15.0 and still no luck
Maybe you’ll have to activate the Transitions plugin:
Administration > Plugins > Transition
Hello schmittrich,
I only get a blank page, so have no way of getting there
Any ideas how to get there any other way?
You are right. I’ve enabled the Transition and Overlay Plugin and it’s working again. Thanks!
This doesn’t seem to be related to 2.16 update and the error from above. Take a look at the FAQ: I get ‘Oops… there was a problem during the request.’ or ‘Internal Server Error’ or ‘500 error’ or the ‘White screen of death’. How do I proceed?
Definitely 2.16 update related, it happened right after the update.