AdminOverview plugin

I have installed the AdminOverview plugin and I get the following error:

There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums.
Notice: Undefined index: view in ????????????\tmp\templates_c\%%8E^8E9^8E99ABE8%%AdminOverview.tpl.php on line 76
Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(8,
Undefined index: view,
Array ([resource_name] => ????????????\plugins\AdminOverview/templates/AdminOverview.tpl,
[cache_id] => ,
[compile_id] => ,
[display] => ,
[_cache_info] => Array (),
[_smarty_old_error_level] => 30719,
[this] => Piwik_Smarty Object ([template_dir] => Array ([0] => ????????????/plugins,
[1] => ????????????/themes/default,
[2] => ????????????/themes),
[compile_dir] => ????????????/tmp/templates_c,
[config_dir] => configs,
[plugins_dir] => Array ([0] => ????????????/core/SmartyPlugins,
[1] => ????????????/libs/Smarty/plugins),
[debugging] => ,
[error_reporting] => 30719,
[debug_tpl] => ,
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE,
[compile_check] => 1,
[force_compile] => ,
[caching] => 0,
[cache_dir] => ????????????/tmp/cache,
[cache_lifetime] => 3600,
[cache_modified_check] => ,
[php_handling] => 0,
[security] => ,
[secure_dir] => Array (),
[security_setti...<span id="languageSelection" style="display:none;position:absolute"><form action="index.php?module=LanguagesManager&action=saveLanguage" method="get"><select name="language"><option value="el">Ελληνικά</option><option href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url='>Πληροφόρηση</option><option value="am" title="???? (Amharic)">????</option><option value="ar" title="??????? (Arabic)">???????</option><option value="be" title="?????????? (Belarusian)">??????????</option><option value="bg" title="????????? (Bulgarian)">?????????</option><option value="ca" title="Catala (Catalan)">Catala</option><option value="cs" title="Cesky (Czech)">Cesky</option><option value="da" title="Dansk (Danish)">Dansk</option><option value="de" title="Deutsch (German)">Deutsch</option><option value="el" title="Ελληνικά (Hellenic)">Ελληνικά</option><option value="en" title="English (English)">English</option><option value="es" title="Espanol (Spanish)">Espanol</option><option value="et" title="Eesti keel (Estonian)">Eesti keel</option><option value="eu" title="Euskara (Basque)">Euskara</option><option value="fi" title="Suomi (Finnish)">Suomi</option><option value="fr" title="Francais (French)">Francais</option><option value="gl" title="Galego (Galician)">Galego</option><option value="he" title="????? (Hebrew)">?????</option><option value="hu" title="Magyar (Hungarian)">Magyar</option><option value="id" title="Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)">Bahasa Indonesia</option><option value="is" title="Islenska (Icelandic)">Islenska</option><option value="it" title="Italiano (Italian)">Italiano</option><option value="ja" title="??? (Japanese)">???</option><option value="ka" title="??????? (Georgian)">???????</option><option value="ko" title="??? (Korean)">???</option><option value="lt" title="Lietuviu (Lithuanian)">Lietuviu</option><option value="nb" title="Norsk (bokmal) (Norwegian Bokmal)">Norsk (bokmal)</option><option value="nl" title="Nederlands (Dutch)">Nederlands</option><option value="nn" title="Nynorsk (Norwegian Nynorsk)">Nynorsk</option><option value="pl" title="Polski (Polish)">Polski</option><option value="pt-br" title="Portugues brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)">Portugues brasileiro</option><option value="pt" title="Portugues (Portuguese)">Portugues</option><option value="ro" title="Romana (Romanian)">Romana</option><option value="ru" title="??????? (Russian)">???????</option><option value="sk" title="Slovensky (Slovak)">Slovensky</option><option value="sq" title="Shqip (Albanian)">Shqip</option><option value="sr" title="Srpski (Serbian)">Srpski</option><option value="sv" title="Svenska (Swedish)">Svenska</option><option value="te" title="?????? (Telugu)">??????</option><option value="th" title="??????? (Thai)">???????</option><option value="tr" title="Turkce (Turkish)">Turkce</option><option value="uk" title="?????????? (Ukrainian)">??????????</option><option value="zh-cn" title="???? (Simplified Chinese)">????</option><option value="zh-tw" title="???? (Traditional Chinese (Taiwan))">????</option></select><input type="submit" value="go" /></form></span><script type="text/javascript"> piwik.languageName = "Ελληνικά"; $(document).ready(function() { $("#languageSelection").fdd2div({CssClassName:"formDiv"}); $("#languageSelection").show(); $("#languageSelection ul").hide(); });</script></span>,
[_order] => 30,
[_hasSubmenu] => )),
[currentAdminMenuName] => AdminOverview_MenuOverview,
[debugTrackVisitsInsidePiwikUI] => 0,
[isSuperUser] => 1,
[menu] => Array ([AdminOverview_MenuOverview] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => AdminOverview,
[action] => index),
[_order] => 0,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[UsersManager_MenuUserSettings] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => UsersManager,
[action] => userSettings),
[_order] => 1,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[UsersManager_MenuUsers] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => UsersManager,
[action] => index),
[_order] => 3,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[SitesManager_MenuSites] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => SitesManager,
[action] => index),
[_order] => 5,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[CoreAdminHome_MenuGeneralSettings] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => CoreAdminHome,
[action] => generalSettings),
[_order] => 6,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[CorePluginsAdmin_MenuPlugins] => Array ([_url] => Array ([module] => CorePluginsAdmin,
[action] => index),
[_order] => 7,
[_hasSubmenu] => ),
[DBSta...#1 include(????????????\tmp\templates_c\%%8E^8E9^8E99ABE8%%AdminOverview.tpl.php) called at [????????????\libs\Smarty\Smarty.class.php:1263]#2 Smarty->fetch(????????????\plugins\AdminOverview/templates/AdminOverview.tpl) called at [????????????\core\View.php:172]#3 Piwik_View->render() called at [????????????\plugins\AdminOverview\Controller.php:30]#4 Piwik_AdminOverview_Controller->index()#5 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_AdminOverview_Controller Object ([] => AdminOverview,
[] => 2011-03-10,
[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1299757659,
[] => UTC),
[] => 1,
[] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 1)),
[1] => index),

Array ()) called at [????????????\core\FrontController.php:125]#6 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch() called at [????????????\index.php:57]

Does anyone know how to solve it?

Hi, my guess is at line 54 of AdminOverview.tpl where I call the $user.view. It’s complaining that $user[‘view’] is undefined, which is weird. Try commenting out that line and see if it loads. I can’t reproduce this. How many users do you have and are there any with 0 view access? More info would really help.

It’s not fatal and just a notice though.

If anyone want to help with debugging, the $users is first assigned in API.php: getAccessCountByLogin().

ps: Do request any features you think is neat to have in the plugin.


Hi, my guess is at line 54 of AdminOverview.tpl where I call the $user.view. It’s complaining that $user[‘view’] is undefined, which is weird. Try commenting out that line and see if it loads.[/quote]
The plugin does load but when I click on the Overview tab I get this error in the cells of the admin sites column and after the second user. See the attached file to check how it looks like.

I have in total 3 users besides root and anonymous. Only Anonymous has 0 view access.
One comment is it possible not to count the anonymous user.
For any feedback I will let you know.

I forgot to mention that I have translate the plugin in Greek.
I can send you the file if you want it!

Sure, I always welcome help. Just attach the file on the Trac page and I will update the main .zip.

Regarding your error – it is very weird indeed. To be honest I have no clue as I also can’t reproduce it. Does it happen for just that particular user, or seemingly random?

Just FYI, you can click any rows to view what that user has access to.

I tried to connect as a different user and the behavior was different.
I got this message on top of the page:

There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums.

Notice: Undefined variable: usersAccess in 
?????\plugins\AdminOverview\Controller.php on line 25

Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(8, Undefined variable: usersAccess,
?????\plugins\AdminOverview\Controller.php, 25, Array ([view] =>
Piwik_View Object([] => ?????\plugins\AdminOverview/templates/AdminOverview.tpl,[]
=> Piwik_Smarty Object ([template_dir] => Array ([0] => ?????/plugins,[1] =>
?????/themes/default,[2] => ?????/themes),[compile_dir] => ?????/tmp/templates_c,[config_dir]
=> configs,[plugins_dir] => Array ([0] =>?????/core/SmartyPlugins,[1] =>
?????/libs/Smarty/plugins),[debugging] => ,[error_reporting] => 30719,[debug_tpl] =>
,[debugging_ctrl] => NONE,[compile_check] => 1,[force_compile] => ,[caching] =>
0,[cache_dir] => ?????/tmp/cache,[cache_lifetime] => 3600,[cache_modified_check] =>
,[php_handling] => 0,[security] => ,[secure_dir] => Array (),[security_settings] =>
Array ([PHP_HANDLING] => ,[IF_FUNCS] => Array ([0] => array,[1] => list,[2] =>
isset,[3] => empty...#1 Piwik_AdminOverview_Controller->index()#2
call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_AdminOverview_Controller Object ([] => 
AdminOverview,[] => 2011-03-15,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1300188340,[] => UTC),
[] => 1,[] => Piwik_Site Object ([] => 1)),[1] => index), Array ()) called at
[?????\core\FrontController.php:125]#3 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch() called at

and no user appeared on the table just the head of it.
Each row, even if it looks that it is a row, it does not work.
I attached the file in the trac.