A failed result view with filter visits

I am apply this recommendation https://matomo.org/faq/new-to-piwik/faq_137/
But i have this error
" Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please [contact your Matomo administrator]."

What is the volume of data you track?
How did you configure the data archiving?
Can you see the error in the Matomo error log file?

What is the volume of data you track?

5 * * * * web /usr/bin/php /home/web/matomo/console core:archive --url=https://adm-matomo.dns-shop.ru/ >> /home/web/archive/matomo-archive.log
How did you configure the data archiving?
Error: Got invalid response from API request: ?module=API&method=API.get&idSite=3&period=month&date=last2&format=php&segment=pageUrl%3D%40%25252Fcashier%25252F&trigger=archivephp. The response was empty. This usually means a server error. A solution to this error is generally to increase the value of ‘memory_limit’ in your php.ini file. For more information and the error message please check in your PHP CLI error log file. As this core:archive command triggers PHP processes over the CLI, you can find where PHP CLI logs are stored by running this command: php -i | grep error_log

I am set memory_limit=30Gb.

ESC[33mWARNING [2022-12-16 07:58:31] 119348 ESC[39m /home/web/matomo/core/CliMulti/Process.php(264): Warning - shell_exec(): Unable to execute ‘ps ex 2>/dev/
null | awk ‘! /defunct/ {print $1}’ 2>/dev/null’ - Matomo 3.13.6 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a sea
rch first as it might have been reported already)
ESC[33mWARNING [2022-12-16 07:58:31] 119348 ESC[39m /home/web/matomo/core/CliMulti/Process.php(264): Warning - shell_exec(): Unable to execute ‘ps ex 2>/dev/
null | awk ‘! /defunct/ {print $1}’ 2>/dev/null’ - Matomo 3.13.6 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a sea
rch first as it might have been reported already)

Can you see the error in the Matomo error log file?