I am using Piwik in several projects for quite a while now. Thanks a lot for your great work.
In a podcast project I want to count only the downloads of file type “mp3” and “ogg”. In an other project it would be nice only to count the pdf-Downloads.
How can I achieve this?
I am using “–enable-static” and this shows me each and every file, not only audio-data.
Any help welcome!
Another topic in this area is, how are downloads counted? Not every occurence of the file in the logs is a download. I am using a html5-player. Users might here one part of the podcast on their first visit and other parts on succeeding visitis. All together would be one download.
Currently I am using a perl script and sum up all the “bytes transferred” and divide it by the large “bytes transferred” for a given file to get an idea of the downloads.
Thanks for any support