@Anthon: The problem is not a firefox problem, it seems to be a general problem in our piwik installation or configuration.
@matt: this is my debug output:
Debug enabled - Input parameters:
array (
'action_name' => 'Login',
'idsite' => '2',
'rec' => '1',
'r' => '711943',
'h' => '10',
'm' => '7',
's' => '28',
'url' => 'http://mydomain.net/login',
'urlref' => 'http://mydomain.net/login',
'_id' => '70f7e34b16d18fa5',
'_idts' => '1312788759',
'_idvc' => '2',
'_idn' => '0',
'_refts' => '0',
'_viewts' => '1312788759',
'pdf' => '0',
'qt' => '1',
'realp' => '0',
'wma' => '1',
'dir' => '0',
'fla' => '1',
'java' => '1',
'gears' => '0',
'ag' => '0',
'res' => '1600x1200',
'cookie' => '1',
Loading plugins: { Provider,Goals }
Current datetime: 2011-08-08 08:08:20
Action is a Page URL, Action name = Login, Action URL = http://madomain.net/login
COOKIE piwik_visitor, rows count: 0, cookie size = 0 bytes array ( )
The visitor has the piwik cookie (idvisitor = 70f7e34b16d18fa5)
The visitor was not matched with an existing visitor...
New Visit (IP = xxx.xx.xx.xx)
array (
'idsite' => 2,
'visitor_localtime' => '10:07:28',
'idvisitor' => 'c25d736abce057e5',
'visitor_returning' => 1,
'visitor_count_visits' => 2,
'visitor_days_since_last' => 0,
'visitor_days_since_order' => 0,
'visitor_days_since_first' => 0,
'visit_first_action_time' => '2011-08-08 08:08:20',
'visit_last_action_time' => '2011-08-08 08:08:20',
'visit_entry_idaction_url' => 22020,
'visit_entry_idaction_name' => 3,
'visit_exit_idaction_url' => 22020,
'visit_exit_idaction_name' => 3,
'visit_total_actions' => 1,
'visit_total_time' => '0',
'visit_goal_converted' => 0,
'visit_goal_buyer' => 0,
'referer_type' => 1,
'referer_name' => '',
'referer_url' => 'http://madomain.net/login',
'referer_keyword' => '',
'config_id' => '2bf5395fd2a5aa90e3de1c3760',
'config_os' => 'LIN',
'config_browser_name' => 'FF',
'config_browser_version' => '5.0',
'config_resolution' => '1600x1200',
'config_pdf' => 0,
'config_flash' => 1,
'config_java' => 1,
'config_director' => 0,
'config_quicktime' => 1,
'config_realplayer' => 0,
'config_windowsmedia' => 1,
'config_gears' => 0,
'config_silverlight' => 0,
'config_cookie' => 1,
'location_ip' => '�[',
'location_browser_lang' => 'de-de,de,en-us,en',
'location_country' => 'de',
'location_provider' => 'Ip',
array (
'idvisit' => '283511',
'idsite' => 2,
'idvisitor' => '�]sj��W�',
'server_time' => '2011-08-08 08:08:20',
'idaction_url' => 22020,
'idaction_name' => 3,
'idaction_url_ref' => 0,
'idaction_name_ref' => 0,
'time_spent_ref_action' => 0,
COOKIE piwik_visitor, rows count: 0, cookie size = 0 bytes array ( )
-> Scheduled tasks not triggered.
Next run will be from: 2011-08-08 09:00:31 UTC
Nothing to notice => default behaviour
End of the page.
array (
'MYSESSION' => 'ee07fe729db5eea21e636bf53659b3ae',
'PIWIK_SESSID' => '793dcb2fa96dcd57d4cf07cd519170ca',
Time elapsed: 5.090s
The problem seems to be somewhere in selecting the idvisitor. My id already exists in the database, but piwik didn't find it.
Sorry matt, the url can only be accessed from inside our network but the configuration looks like the one i already posted here.