0.4 and PHP 5.2.10

fert: if you got that error then the patch wasn’t applied properly

Thanks for your reply. But what could have gone wrong? I already reinstalled v 0.4 (latest.zip) and applied both patches (124 and 1247) by overwriting the old files with those from the patches. Did I miss something?

fert: in post 15, I rolled up changesets 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, and 1250 into a single patch.


after applying the patch, I see this:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<’ in /homepages/4/d28609092/htdocs/piwik/index.php on line 56

Any idea how to fix this?

The other option is to grab 0.4.1 update … released earlier this evening. style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif

I can confirm that Piwik 0.4.1 works fine with PHP 5.2.10 in my installation.
Thank you!

My patch is totally obsolete, since the official update is out. I use 0.4.1 now, and dont support my patch anymore.

thanks for the awesome support guys. i downloaded the 0.4.1 zip, installed it onto my webserver, upgraded, and here we are back to work.

thanks again!

Hello there,

I’m kindof jumping in, but I’ve got exactly the same problem as fert (post #20), except that the error is in Piwik.php line 1201.

I am indeed running php 5.2.10, and I dutifully read the forums (especially this thread) ; so I installed Piwik 0.4.3 … and now I’m stuck. I tried both a fresh install and an upgrade from the previous setup, to no avail.

I’m quite at a loss here, and I’d be grateful for any pointers, before I delve into the code :confused:

Thanks a bunch !
