0.4.1 Released

Changelog here: http://piwik.org/changelog/

Download it here: http://piwik.org/latest.zip

Thanks for all the feedback, bug reports, and suggestions. This is largely a bug fix and maintenance release for PHP 5.2.10. Read the ChangeLog for more info.

Before I forget, one new feature is the ability to manually (programmatically) trigger a goal from the browser via trackGoal(). See: http://piwik.org/docs/javascript-tracking/

Why doesnt it appear as update in my piwik page?

The frequency of checking for updates is a minimum 24 hrs. So, for example, if you installed/updated Piwik in the last 24 hrs, you would not see the notice.

hmm … I didnt … is there a way to check manually ?

Not yet. We have an open ticket to add that feature.

Thanxx a lot for the updated version, but i still have problems with installing piwik on my server with php 5.2.10. I even can`t see the welcome message…Do I something wrong?

Sorry I´m no php Programmer, so I copied the whole problem report. Hope that helps…

Thanxx for help,

Declaration of Piwik_Event_Notification::increaseNotificationCount() should be compatible with that of Event_Notification::increaseNotificationCount()
in ‘/homepages/18/d32220539/htdocs/piwik/core/PluginsManager.php’ at the line 509

steven_b: in my copy of core/PluginsManager.php, the declaration of increaseNotificationCount is on line 515; since your error message points to line 509, I can only presume that your update (or file upload) was incomplete.

I uploaded piwik one more time, but getting the same problem…
I copied my part of the PluginsManager.php. Do you have the same code?
It`s from line 500 to 524.


  • Register an action to execute for a given event
    function Piwik_AddAction( $hookName, $function )
    Piwik_PluginsManager::getInstance()->dispatcher->addObserver( $function, $hookName );

class Piwik_Event_Notification extends Event_Notification
static $showProfiler = false;
function increaseNotificationCount($className, $method) {
echo "after $className -> $method
echo “-”; Piwik::printTimer();
echo “
echo “-”; Piwik::printMemoryLeak();
echo “

It should look like:

function increaseNotificationCount(/* $className, $method */) {

I’ll check the build…

And the builds are good. Please try downloading the 0.4.1 release again.

vipsoft, thanxx a lot, now it runs… style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif